Friday, February 1, 2008

So here we are, it is Damon's first birthday, cake time, you know the routine... This is pretty bitter sweet for me. I know that he is my last baby and yet he wants to grow so fast. I mean come on, enjoy the babyhood buddy, but no. He has got to be the one who crawls before his time, walking by 9 1/2 months. soon he will be talking. Don't get me wrong. I love the fact he is so idependant, but I love having a baby. It is going by soooo quick!~
I love watching him be amazed by the world he gets this look on his face that just melts my heart. And then there is the relationship he has with his sister. He adores her, as she does him.... She was the first to actually get him to laugh. I can't blame him she is pretty funny!
They chase eachother around the house, he usually ends up crying and I hear Tristan saying shhh shhh its o.k ( she knows she is in trouble!) but I have to walk out of the room and laugh... they are some crazy kids!
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1 comment:

Adam said...

It is biter sweet. I'm all about kids getting bigger, but every stage, except brand new is pretty fun. (I'm not a fan of the 0 - 1 month old baby.)